Quest details

Level range: 47

Quest giver: Spirit Father Pago

Listen to Pago's story until the end.

  • Experience: 7456 EP
  • 0 9 964



Yeah, you are right! My people are threatened by extinction. The Black Knight Alliance carries the blame for this and the Rahu are pulling the strings in the background. This is why Gyarpa had to die. But does it actually matter, whether we die by the magic that lies on Elixia, or if we meet our downfall because the Rahu are annihilating us? It seems to me that there's actually no point in fighting. We will perish either way.


No! You can't just give up! Gyarpa's death cannot be for nothing! Defend yourselves against the Rahu! Do you honestly believe Gyarpa wanted it this way? Gyarpa would be turning in his grave!


Kindly do not use Gyarpa's name in that way! *breathes in* Sorry, I'm just upset. I don't know what to make of the Rahu.


Do you believe that Gyarpa has sacrificed her precious life for you? She didn't want to see any more unnecessary wars. She didn't want to see any more bloodshed in the land of Iberia, as you call it. That's why she sacrificed herself. But you weren't able to stop and out of sheer selfishness had to get the small water spirits involved.


*Sighs deeply* I know that you are different to the rest of the Iberians. You care, that is a defining characteristic that you have. For this reason, I want to give you a chance.

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