Quest details

Level range: 38

Quest giver: Village leader Ternop

Find Kaleon in the dragon grave.

  • Experience: 5170 EP
  • 0 7 248



Kaleon went missing during his service, as he went to Drakenend. He is a veteran of the legions. I never had to worry about him so far. Go to Drakenend and find out what happened to him.


Yes, I will hurry up!


Kaleon was always worried that the dragon guards might gather themselves in Drakenend. He was constantly mumbling to himself that something was there. I think he wanted to assure himself on his own. A wonderful General and a good friend. Hurry up!


Hmm? Aren't you one of those new dragon slayers? Player or something like that? Did you actually come all this way just for me? *unsettled*


Okay, I'll be honest then: Yes, I do regret a billion times the fact that I came to this place.

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