Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Master of Leios Silona Rainbos

We have to inform Princess Marlone in the High King, Neban Maha's palace, in Keter, that the souls of the Ruby Lake have been poisoned. Capture a dyed-black core of the water spirits and deliver it to her!
  • Loot 1× Dyed-black Core of the Water Spirits


Silona Rainbos:

You have to go to the capital city now and deliver my message to Princess Marlone: The soul of the Ruby Lake is poisoned and is being shifted in the direction of the Arabain southern base. All of the remaining souls are also being poisoned. We need help from the Princess.


Is the princess going to help you on this mission?

Silona Rainbos:

I don't know if you've already noticed it. The Princess is secretly helping us. Her father, Neban Maha, the lion king, doesn't know anything about this. Marlone believes that Iberia cannot be reunified using the King's gentle methods. The Princess will surely guide Valorian and take Valorian down the right path.

Marlone Meridian:

An inconceivable situation has occurred in Kokuma. Father, you don't have to worry about it. But as far as I am concerned... I have to defend Kokuma!

Marlone Meridian:

Did Silona say that she needs my help? Let's have a look at the dyed-black core of the water spirits first. *Marlone examines it* I don't think that the water was poisoned only due to the monsters of the Rahu.

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