Quest details
Level range: 93
Quest giver: Valorian Commander Edgir
Speak to Manan at the Sand Wind Outpost in the Colossus Mountains.
Edgir:[Player]:That's unbelievable! Was I really talking to an illusion? I've been deceived. Disappear, phantom! *draws his sword and swings it at the air* How could this have happened? An illusion was feeding me lies the whole time and leading me astray. And horrible things have been done in my name because of it. I'm deeply ashamed, Player. You must help me! I still see the apparition. This has to stop! Make it go away!
Edgir:Calm down! Maybe Master Manan will know what to do.
That sounds like a good plan, Player. *stops and looks horrified* No, disappear, foul illusion! Stop whispering your poison in my ear! *turns back to you* I came very close to destroying the Tripartite Pact. Hopefully it's not too late to save it.
Oh, if it isn't Player! What brings you here to me?
That's highly unusual. An illusion, you say? I should have thought of that. But it seems to be a strong spell. Even I was deceived by it.