Quest details

Level range: 35

Quest giver: Magic School Principal Meyer

Speak to Drakan in the headquarter of the battle magicians in the capital Markut.



Thanks to you I have found an old friend again. Thank you very much. Return to the capital and tell Drakan about it. I'm sure that he can't sleep for worrying about me.


Yes, understood.


I would have to lie if I said that I am not condemning Gerod. But what has happened to him is my fault. That's why I have to ask for forgiveness. Now we can pool forces for the future of Derion.


Ah, it's you. There's a plan to mobilise workers from the main castle to help restore the Mobido magic school. Thanks to you I don't need to worry about the monsters any more and can completely focus on the repair work. That'll definitely speed up the process.


I have heard that you have eliminated the monsters from the Mobido and from the Alsenik magic schools. Nezak is particularly close to the emperor's heart. That's why you are sure to get a reward as soon as you have done the job. You could become leader of the knights.

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