Quest details

Level range: 32

Quest giver: Kaos clergyman Haid

Go to Bunker Hill and plant the antidote seeds in the six hills. Afterwards go back to the Central Encampment and report to Haid.
  • Talk to Hill and return
  • Talk to Hill and return
  • Talk to Hill and return
  • Talk to Hill and return
  • Talk to Hill and return
  • Talk to Hill and return
  • Loot 1× Bag with Antidote Seeds



There, it is done! Now the antidote seeds have to be sown in the ruins on Bunker Hill. That way the curse will slowly disappear. The roots of the antidote seeds will soak up the curse. Bring back the remaining seeds as they can be dangerous.


You think that poison neutralises poison?


Hmm, you could call it that. But don't worry. Nothing is going to happen to you.


A tree grows for a long time and is not even allowed to flower for a whole year... *broods*. Ah, Player, it's you!


Thank you. You have done a great job. Ruad is sure to be annoyed. I may be punished from above for this but I am still glad, *Haid smiles briefly*

Quest chain

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