Quest details

Level range: 91

Quest giver: Valorian Commander Edgir

Find the Suppliers in the Sotia Forest in the Colossus Mountains.

  • Experience: 38114 EP
  • 0 41 35



Player, I would love to offer you something, but there's a problem: We've lost contact to our suppliers. The supplies should have arrived at Decain Camp by now, but they haven't. Something awful must have happened to our caravan somewhere in the Sotia Forest! Maybe there are still some survivors. You must go there and find them, Player. Hurry! Perhaps there's still time to save them.


I shall leave straight away. But first, there's just one more thing: Randaygaron treated me badly. The trial wasn't even bad. There must have been some kind of misunderstanding.


That wouldn't be the first time! He has already played pranks on other guard soldiers! If Jade hadn't given me the heads-up, I would never have caught on to his tricks. *Nods and smiles* But let's get back to the real problem: Hurry!


*You found the suppliers' corpses.*


*They are all dead.*

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