Quest details
Manan:[Player]:After Decain's report about the released energy in the mountains, I sent a letter to all the knights of the White Troop. Everyone was meant to search for the source of this energy. Geriton just sent me a message that he found the source of the energy. Meet with him to find out more about it.
Manan:All right. Do you know where the energy might be from? Could it be to do with the ruins in the Land of Nightmares and the soul fragment?
I don't know. Geriton wrote that he found clues on the Colossus Mountains. These mountains are very close to the Land of Nightmares so it wouldn't be particularly surprising if it all had to do with that. But that's all just speculation.
The aura is getting weaker. If we don't hurry, we'll lose the tracks!
So you're Player! Lots of the white knights have been singing your praises. Amazing that a soul fragment was found in the Land of Nightmares, isn't it? That could be very helpful for our research.