Quest details

Level range: 15

Quest giver: Leader of the gate guards General Payon

Talk to Retram in Sarnis.

  • Experience: 1800 EP
  • 0 1 624


General Payon:

What? The person who is responsible for the fire? What did the Fire Spirit do? And now you have to go to Sarnis to help the Fire Spirit? Are you having me on? You want to help the culprit?


Yes! Understood.

General Payon:

I don't know. This fire spirit is also an inhabitant of Derion. Do what you think and go.


That loud idiot! He made his way to the water of the worlds so that he could heal his father with it. You can find it in Tibered. You've never been there? Then go to Selberes first, in the ancient city Yarsk and get him to give you some information. He knows a lot about it.


Haha! *Laughs* This Payon really doesn't seem to like you! Let's talk some more about the fire spirit.

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