Quest details

Level range: 78

Quest giver: Princess Marlone Meridian

Use the return stone that you received from Princess Marlone Meridian and speak to the first elder Linuk in the White Troop's tribal domicile.
  • Talk to Linuk
  • Loot 1× Seal of the Lion King

  • Experience: 13600 EP
  • 0 14 30


Marlone Meridian:

*Marlone notices the discontent in your face and says* Fine, I won't ask any more questions. As I already have what I wanted it doesn't matter how this is going to continue. But rumours are going to go round the tribe domicile. I don't know whether it is because you are late but at the moment nothing good is said about you. As you are not allowed to go any further you should go back to the tribe domicile of the White Troop. Take this seal of the Lion King and show it to an elder with the name of Linuk to prove your enthusiasm.


To the tribal domicile ... Then I suppose I have to go through the Dusk Valley in Mosalien and use the portal there...

Marlone Meridian:

No, we cannot hang about as every minute counts. Here take this return stone. When you used it you will be back in the tribe domicile of the White Troop instantly. Now we only have to defeat time to have the Divine Emperor in our hands. The day when we can reunite Iberia in the name of Valorian does not seem to be too far away. Quite impressive, isn't it? *Marlone is very convinced*


I think it would be an advantage if we joined forces with Princess Marlone Meridian of Valorian. She is absolutely amazed of the power of the divine emperor and wants to get it into her hands but I think that at the moment it is better for us if we cooperate with her. But above all... is she not going to have the same aim as us - peace in Iberia? *As the room is very dark you cannot say who Linuk is talking to . However, you can tell from his tone of voice and from what he is saying that his counterpart obviously has a different opinion.


The seal of the Lion King...? * For a while Linuk stares open mouthed and in surprise at the seal* I have already heard from Jackpot what happened to you in Mosalien but we cannot mourn those who have died. I think that they would have wanted us to continue. Ah, and perhaps we could have a quick word before you go to the commander?

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