Quest details

Level range: 120

Quest giver: Guard Halder

Talk to Fannibal in the Undred Expedition Camp.

  • Experience: 1086 EP
  • 0 2 376



Have you already heard the news about this ancient underground city? An expedition group discovered it by chance, and now there are big arguments between the individual nations over territorial rights. That's causing real problems for the expedition group, since they want to get on with the task of uncovering the underground city's secrets. Why don't you get over there yourself? It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to write history itself!


Understood! I'll be on my way.


You know, you'll be able to find some unimaginable treasures if you follow the expedition group down to the underground city and give them your support. And even if there isn't any treasure, it would still be well worth your while going there. The city is worth seeing, to say nothing of the fact that it has become something of a sensation.


Ah, so that's how it is! We've got another troublemaker! You're not supposed to fight, you're meant to reconnoitre the place!


Hmm? You haven't come here to fight a war have you? In that case, you'll be able to help us! Oh yes! I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Fannibal, and I'm in charge of this expedition camp. I was sent here at short notice to find out what the reason could be for building this underground city.

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