Quest details
Follen:[Player]:Oh yes, while you were in the city there was a message from the port. They learned from the Expedition Outpost that the city is in danger, and given the deplorable state in the northern territories, the measures have been delayed. In my opinion, it wouldn't be a bad idea to send you to the northern territories, to the place the expedition member spoke of. You've already proved your talents to us here. What do you think?
Follen:Of course. In fact, I was supposed to go to the northern territories like the other expedition members. But as it happens I came here at Garneph's request.
So that's how it was! Oh, and I completely forgot about Albieno. I'll tell him about it personally. Player, you should go and meet Garneph at the port. He'll be able to tell you what to do.
Oh! Aren't you the one who was sent to Follen? I thought something must have happened in the meantime, it's been so long since I heard anything. So, you're still alive, haha!
Oh, you're the expedition member Follen wrote about? You're the courageous and skilled warrior who dealt with the spirits on Gorgon Hill.