Iberian Christmas Magic

Events 12/14/2016

Christmas is coming! As the nights draw in, Iberians cosy up around the fireplace to regale one another with tales of heroic deeds and daredevil adventures. After a hard year's adventuring, it's time to browse the Christmas shop offers and find a great outfit for the festive season.

The bravest amongst you can test your luck on the Wheel of Destiny. If Lady Luck is feeling generous, you might be able to drive to the party in style on a brand-new Snowmobile.

Even Iberia's squirrels are feeling the festive spirit. They've heard all about the new items you can get from Sento and Dek. To give you a chance to transfer your levels from your old gear, the cuddly little guys have tinkered with the Moon Crystal Game, meaning that over Christmas you'll already be able to pick up the Epic Letter of Reinforcement (-3) at level 5!

Wishing you a magical Christmas, The 4Story Team

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