Patch Notes, 5.2

Patch notes 12/16/2015


  • All buffs are now shown next to the character display.
  • Guild skills are displayed above regular skills.
  • Auctions can now be sorted.

Guild Skills

There are new skills for characters in guilds. Access depends on the guild rank.

All Guild Members

  • Spectral Charge
  • Lapiris' Wings
  • Deadly Poison
  • Battle Preparation

Deputy Guild Masters

  • Leya's Protection
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Vampiric Kiss

Guild Masters

  • Battle Cry
  • Commanding Shout
  • Charge of Heroes

As soon as a guild skill has been activated, you'll be able to use it for 30 days. The duration is extended by 7 days each time a skill is improved. If the effects of a skill wear off, the guild master can activate it once more. When doing this, the level of the guild skill is preserved.

Guilds now gather experience and can increase in combat level. When you earn experience points for your guild, your personal combat level also increases. This allows you to improve the guild skills and unlock special bonuses.


  • Three slots have been added to the Companions Bag. If you keep your companions in the bag, you won't benefit from their bonuses, but once you reactivate them, they'll have the same skills and level as before.
  • A new item has been added for companions, which allows you to expand your Companions Bag by 3 slots (max. 24).

Bug Fixes

  • Characters no longer glow after creating a mount in the character selection.
  • Monsters in the arena now appear more quickly.
  • Companions no longer fall through the floor.
  • Cash items no longer glow above the interface.
  • Post no longer displays war rewards.
  • The Chain Mail Shirt of Knighthood is now displayed correctly for felines.
  • Fixed the slider in the guild information.
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