Winter Events!

Events 12/10/2015

Iberia is packed to the rafters with events this winter, so you can play to your heart's content. Our winter events will start from the 6th December:

  • 6/12: +150% EP,  +100% honour points,  +bonus presents to all players online at 8 PM CET
  • 7-9/12: +100% EP
  • 10-17/12: +75% EP
  • 18-23/12: +75% EP, +100% honour points
  • 24/12: +150% EP, +100% honour points,  +100% yield from monsters
  • 25/12-1/1: +100% EP, +75% honour points, +100% yield from monsters
  • 2-10/1: +100% EP

Dangerous enemies of all types will also be appearing in Ardir, Gebra, Tyconteroga and Hesed between 10/12/2015 and 10/1/2016.
There's more planned besides – so keep an eye on the announcements!

The 4Story Team

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