Patch Notes, 5.1

Patch notes 04/01/2015


  • Achievement points earned will now be displayed in your bag.
  • The top menu bar has been swapped. You'll now find server honour and points for the Battle of Worlds there.
  • Rewards for the Battlefield and the Battle of Worlds have been adjusted.



  • Pillar of Lava now requires two points for the highest level.
  • Rumapark's Retribution no longer has levels. The skill immediately receives 600%.


  • Mana Storm can now be increased a further level (up to +70%).


  • Companions can now activate two skills simultaneously.

Battle of Worlds

Patch 5.1 introduces a new PvP mode: the beta version of the Battle of Worlds. This is an epic struggle between 25-49 players from different servers and countries. To be able to take part, you simply need a character and a battlefield name. Your equipment and companion will both be carried over into the Battle of Worlds.
The battle consists of three phases:

  • 1st Phase: Guild registration (10 minutes)
  • 2nd Phase: Individual registration (10 minutes)
  • 3rd Phase: Battle of Worlds (40 minutes)

The aim of the battle is to destroy the enemy statue. But be warned! The statue will be guarded by the enemy players and a huge dragon!

You'll earn battle points (BP) during the battle which you can exchange for useful items or mounts. At the beginning of the battle every player receives 500 BP and 10 BP for every 10 seconds in the battle.

In addition you can also collect special points (SP) which can later be exchanged for special rewards. For every 500 BP you'll earn 1 SP. The group which inflicts the most damage receives 20 SP. Last hitting an enemy character earns you 5 SP and assisting in defeating an enemy character within 20 metres is worth 2 SP.

Choose from between the following items:

  • 300 SP: 2* War Loot
  • 800 SP: 2* Pearls of Proof
  • 2000 SP: 30* Master's Formula

At the end of the battle, the participants receive gold, EP and honour points. There's a special reward for the victors in the form of a Mysterious Treasure Chest with cool items. You can use medals to re-roll the contents of this chest.


  • Equipped items will now be upgraded from level 44 to level 68.
  • Summoned companions now accompany characters for the full duration on the Battlefield. They automatically possess the Collect skill.
  • The titans' health has been increased to 180,000 HP.
  • Costs for improving equipment with BP have been reduced by 20%.
  • Health, damage and defence values of monsters on the Battlefield have been reduced.
  • You now receive 10% more BP and EP for defeating monsters.

Companions will now level up on the Battlefield. You can purchase three companion skills with battle points:

  • Guardian Angel – 2500 BP: The Guardian Angel protects your character in battle. If an attack kills you, this skill fully restores your health. Has a cooldown of 5 minutes.
  • Reduced Cooldown - Battlefield Skill – 5000 BP: Equip a summoned companion with this skill to reduce the cooldown of your battlefield skills by 50%.
  • Reduced Cooldown - Medal Skill – 7500 BP: Equip a summoned companion with this skill to reduce the cooldown of your medal skills by 50%.

Attack of the Dragons

  • The level of the monsters has been increased to 130–140.
  • Monsters now have a chance to drop Scrolls, Treasure Chests and Costume Boxes of Space and Time.

Bug fixes

  • You can now remove your soul mate.
  • An error has been fixed which occurred when clicking an arrow and hitting the enter key simultaneously.
  • Deleting messages with expired items no longer causes an error.
  • Fees in the auction house are now displayed correctly.
  • As soon as a companion reaches level 20, it now stops earning experience.
  • An error in the mentor system has been fixed.
  • It is again possible to edit guild messages.
  • The missing pet icon has been added.
  • An error when accepting the quest 'Progress report' has been fixed.
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