Happy Bday 4story UK! Events, presents and discounts!

Events 05/21/2014

Ehy Iberians! Didn't you hear the news?

4story UK is now opened since 5 years! We truly want to celebrate this special occasion fullfilling your weekend of interesting activities.

[Forum Event] Check out our official board for interesting activities! Here and here.
[GM Event] 17.05 - 12pm - Bday Quiz
[GM Event] 17.05 - 2pm - King of the Hill
[GM Event] 17.05 - 4pm - Kill the GM
[GM Event] 17.05 - 9pm - Hide and Seek
[Server Event] 16-17.05 - Honor event +150% (with loss)
[Server Event] 17-18.05 - Drop event +100%.
[Server Event] 17-18.05 - Exp event +200% (triple exp).
[Server Event] 17-18.05 - Monster spawn (ardir, tyco, gebra, hesed), between 5pm -> 6pm and 9:30pm -> 10:30pm.
[Shop Discount] From 16.05 at 4pm to 18.05 at midnight all itemshop items will be 10% off!
[GiveAway] 17-18.05 - 1 Mooncrystal will be sent to all online users at 8pm.
[GiveAway] 17-18.05 - A funny present will be sent to all online users every 1h for the complete weekend.

What's left?

Oh yes, we wish you an amazing weekend!

Your 4story team.

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