4.2 Patch Notes

Patch notes 07/02/2013

Patch notes 4.2


Peaceful Mission Maps

  • The Mission Maps 1 to 6 are now available in two variants, one war map and one peaceful map.
  • In the peaceful map you can hunt monsters and gather experience without coming across players of the opposing faction.
  • The secret documents for Mission Maps are the same for both types.
  • Via the teleporter in the Mission Maps you can travel from the war to the peaceful map and vice versa.

  • There is no experience point bonus in the peaceful Mission Maps for wars won and no bonus on drop rates.
  • In the peaceful Mission Maps there are elite monsters, but no elite soldiers.
  • Additional teleporters have been added to both Mission Maps 1 and 2.

Hunting fever

  • If you defeat several monsters in quick succession, the Hunting Fever mode begins.
  • If you manage to eliminate a given number of monsters within a particular time, you will reach the next round.
  • In the hunting fever mode you can receive temporary buffs such as experience points or a higher movement speed.
  • Your achieved total score places you in the hunting fever highscore.
  • When you hunt in a group, the amount of required monsters for every group members increases.

Standard button and battle via macro

  • There is only one standard button - the button "F" is preset.
  • The standard button triggers various actions depending on the situation.
  • You carry out class skills, which can interrupt numbing states with the standard button if the cooldown time is not activated.
  • You can select NPCs that are within a vicinity of 3.5 meters.
  • If there are two or more NPCs within range, the one nearest will be selected.
  • Quest options are preferably opened by merchant and repair functions.
  • You can collect your loot from defeated monsters with the standard button.
  • Every class has a determined sequence for their skills, which is released by repeatedly pressing the standard button in battle.

Soul Lottery

  • During the soul lottery you always win a small amount of coins and an experience point bonus, even if you don't crack the jackpot.

Quest changes

Szenario quests

  • You now receive level equipment through scenario quests.
  • You can repair and improve these quest rewards. However, they cannot be stored or traded.
  • The letters, which previously contained the level equipment, have been removed from the game, apart from the letters for level 15 and 20.
  • The letter for level 15 only contains a bag with 12 places.

Revision of the region of Tebekut and improved starter quests.

  • New characters now start the game at the First Sentry Post.
  • The Third Sentry Post is now called second sentry post. The former second sentry post has been removed.
  • The monsters at Marka's Hideout and at the Second Sentry Post are now aggressive not and defensive anymore.
  • Some monsters in Marka's Hideout are now at other places.
  • When you have completed the quest sequence in Tebekut, you character has a minimum level of 9.


Goddess' Tears

  • The Goddess' Tears are now stackable.
  • It's possible to stack 200 tears now.
  • They are divided into level groups: 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, 81-90, 91.
  • Tears that are the same are stacked.

PvP rewards: Honour badges

  • You receive Honour Badges if you are online while your faction wins area conquests, castle conquests, Mission Map wars, and the war in the Sky Garden.
  • You can hand over collected badges and receive reward items for them.
  • The reward NPCs Gaen (Derion) and Halder (Valorian) are next to the strategic troop leaders in Markut and Keter.

General item changes

  • The Pumpkin Helmets have been given a fiery new look.
  • There are new costumes, that will be available for particular events.
  • Resurrection Scrolls now have a cooldown time of 5 minutes.


Renewed quest window

  • The quest window has been optically revised.
  • The quest categories are now displayed with graphic symbols.
  • Move your mouse pointer over a symbol to see the name of the category

Improve letterbox

  • The letterbox window has been optically revised.
  • You can delete several read messages simultaneously.
  • Your messages are now displayed in a long list, which you can scroll.


  • There's a small clock on the upper part of the screen.



  • A bug was fixed with which some bows and crossbows were not displayed with female fairies.
  • Quests cannot be linked to chat anymore, as it led to a closing down of the game.
  • The automatic quest paths now work in the Colossus Mountains.
  • It's not possible to get to the level 80 Mission Map with level 93 anymore.
  • A text error in the companion display has been fixed,
    "Resistance" is now not displayed as "Evasion" anymore.

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