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Name Level Region
Twilight Troll
Twilight Troll
41- 43 Hod
Succubus Dream Invader
Succubus Dream Invader
41- 45 Hod
Fruit Bee
Fruit Bee
41- 43 Hod
Moman Guards
Moman Guards
41 Hod
Weakened Dust Spirit
Weakened Dust Spirit
41- 49 Hod
Wild Hound Grey Hyena
Wild Hound Grey Hyena
41 Bina
Leader Crocodile
Leader Crocodile
41- 42 Hod
Escaped Young Dragon
Escaped Young Dragon
41- 44 Hod
Dying Dust Spirit
Dying Dust Spirit
41 Hod (Mission)
Singing Primate Shaman
Singing Primate Shaman
41- 43 Hod
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