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Name Level Region
Rahu Thief
Rahu Thief
39 Old Kokuma
Devil's Rage Imp
Devil's Rage Imp
39 Count Allen's Territory
Valorian Markswoman
Valorian Markswoman
39 Old Kokuma
Rahu lieutenant
Rahu lieutenant
39 Old Kokuma
Black Battle Knight
Black Battle Knight
39 Count Allen's Territory
Torpedo Roc
Torpedo Roc
39 Old Kokuma
Rahu General
Rahu General
39 Old Kokuma
Sinma Troll
Sinma Troll
39 Kokuma
Hell Hound Guard
Hell Hound Guard
39 Count Allen's Territory
Cunning Werewolf
Cunning Werewolf
39 Nezak
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