General Information

  • The Attack of the Dragons takes place on the Devastated Field in the Colossus Mountains and unites PvE and PvP elements.
  • PvE (Player versus Environment): fight numerous waves of opponents and face the leaders of the invasion.
  • PvP (Player versus Player): stop the opposing kingdom from winning the event.
  • The invasion starts once a day, if the previous attack was already successfully staved off.
  • The events starts two hours before the area conquest on every server.


  • At the start, the Britronic magma dragon appears accompanied by 50 spies.
  • You cannot attack the magma dragon yourself. He withdraws 4,000 health points and 4,000 mana points from every character in the environment every 30 seconds. His attack also blocks the skills of all characters.

Spy Phase

  • Goal: defeat 40 spies on the Devastated Field.

  • As soon as you have defeated these opponents, Wolf Warriors, Elite Mages, Elite Storm Soldiers and Simple Storm Soldiers will appear.

Boss Phase

  • Goal: defeat all bosses
  • When you defeat a monster group, the corresponding boss appears:

Wolf Guards: Udar + Alpha Wolves

Simple Storm Soldiers: Renogat + Master Storm Soldiers

Elite Storm Soldiers: Gargon + Storm Soldier Officers

  • All bosses inflict 500 points of damage on their target and all players in their vicinity.
  • Once the bosses have been overpowered, Margadas enters the battlefield with his Wolf Warriors.

Margadas Phase

  • Goal: defeat Wolf King Margadas

  • The group that inflicts the most damage on Margadas, will find rewards in their inbox.
  • The damage inflicted on monsters only counts if they are also killed.
  • If you join a group, your previously inflicted damage is not included.


The following rewards await you:

  • Scrolls of Time and Space
  • Costume Boxes of Space and Time
  • Treasure Chests of Space and Time


  • You can attack players from other factions anytime.
  • If a group disbands, all achieved points are lost.
  • If the previous attack of the dragons was not completely staved off, the battle continues at the point at which it was terminated.
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