Patch 5.3 – Now Live

Articles 11/23/2016

It's finally here – patch 5.3 is live! Look forward to new mounts and companions, exciting PvP action with the revamped insignia system, and of course plenty of gruesomely fun challenges for Halloween.

As some of you might already know, we've been debating the merits of introducing new level 48 gear to the game. However, as many players expressly wished otherwise, we've decided not to implement these items into the game in patch 5.3.*

Wishing you lots of fun in Iberia!

The 4Story Team

* In contrast to what we previously announced, the level 48 gear items will in fact be released as part of the current patch. Unfortunately, we weren't able to prevent the items making their appearance, but we will continue working to make 4Story even better. More information can be found in our forums.

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