4Story – Runes of Bundling in the shop for a short time only!

Events 04/02/2015

Iberia's merchants are offering runes in the cash shop again! Use this opportunity to increase your attributes with the following items:

Mysterious Treasure Chest - Damage (rune level 105-140)
Mysterious Treasure Chest - Attack Speed (rune level 11-13)
Mysterious Treasure Chest - Critical Hits (rune level 10-12)
Mysterious Treasure Chest - Armour (rune level 128-166)
Mysterious Treasure Chest - Concentration (rune level 18-21)
Mysterious Treasure Chest - Magic Hit Chance (rune level 219-282)
Mysterious Treasure Chest - Casting Speed (rune level 11-13)
Mysterious Treasure Chest - Critical Magic Hits (rune level 29-32)
Mysterious Treasure Chest - Resistance (rune level 128-166)
Mysterious Treasure Chest - Long Range Attack Speed (rune level 11-15)

Use these legendary runes to send your enemies scattering before you on the battlefield!

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