Patch 4.5: Battlefield maps, modified companion system and more!

Articles 07/23/2014

The latest update has some exciting new changes in store:

  • Extra Battlefield maps: the Battlefield is a real hit with the community! The principle remains the same, but two new maps and additional monsters will add to the fun.
  • Customise companions: dye your pets and watch them grow when they level up! An additional change is that they'll now only lose health when they are actively accompanying you.
  • Easier upgrades: we've overhauled the interface to make it even easier for you! Now you'll be able to improve, enchant, refine and reinforce everywhere you go.
  • PvP at every level: charge straight into battle at level 1 capturing castles and territory! As soon as you enter battle, your character will be promoted to level 97 for the duration of the fight.
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