The Battle of Worlds is an epic struggle between 25–49 players from different servers and countries. Climb the rankings with your guild, earn fame and fortune on the field, and become one of the great heroes of 4Story!

During the Battle of Worlds you'll wear the same equipment as before, automatically receiving all improvements. Mounts, however, are not permitted. You'll be able to communicate with the other players in a special chat room.

When participating in the Battle of Worlds, your battlefield name will be used. If you haven't already created one, you'll be asked to do so when signing up to join the battle. Choose carefully, since you won't be able to change it later.

Twenty minutes before the start, the 'Battle of Worlds' symbol will appear. Click on it to open up the registration window. The window will disappear again if group matchmaking wasn't possible.

The battle sees Derion and Valorian pitched against one another. The system allocates each player to one side or the other, whereby players from the same guild, the same kingdom and the same server are preferably placed together. Characters from Gor who haven't signed up as mercenaries for either kingdom are not eligible to participate, so if you're a Gor player, remember to lend your support to one of the kingdoms.

The battlefield has space for up to 49 players on each side, with a minimum of 25 vs 25. If one kingdom isn't able to reach the maximum player number, the battle will automatically be scaled to accommodate the maximum possible number of players on both sides.

Phase 1 (Guild Registration): The first phase has the system assign guild members to the groups. As soon as at least 25 players have been found per side, the battle will begin.

Phase 2 (Individual Registration): The second phase assigns the solo players to the groups. As soon as at least 25 players have been found per side, the battle will begin.
If you lose connection to the server during one of these phases, your registration will be revoked. At the end of each phase there is a countdown before you enter the Battle of Worlds.

You cannot participate in the Battle of Worlds and the Battlefield simultaneously.


  • The Battle of Worlds lasts 40 minutes. A kingdom is victorious as soon as it reaches 10 victory points.
  • Each side starts with 5 victory points.
  • There is a statue on both sides. If it is destroyed, it will be restored after three minutes.
  • Victory points can be gained and lost during the battle. By destroying the enemy statue, a kingdom earns itself a victory point, simultaneously deducting one from the opposition.
  • Rewards are sent to the players' mailboxes after the battle's conclusion.

Battle Points (BP)

Special items can be bought for the Battle of Worlds using BP.

  • Start of every Battle of Worlds: +500 BP
  • Every ten seconds: +10 BP
  • Defeating an enemy player or statue: +(special points*20) BP

Special Points (SP)

  • Groups causing the most damage: +20 SP
  • For every 500 Battle Points: +1 SP
  • Last hitting an enemy character: +5 SP
  • Assisting victory over an enemy character within 20m: +2 SP

You'll be able to see how you did on the scoreboard at the end of the battle. The results are sorted by the number of special points earned. There is no additional SP for victories over enemy characters when a character is dead. During the battle you can see your score by clicking on the info button.


Dead characters must wait a while before being resurrected. Afterwards they respawn in their base with the side effects of being revived.
If you have an instant resurrection available, you can respawn without waiting and without any side effects.


Rewards are conferred according to the points.


  • Bronze: Score * 20 * Character Level
  • Experience Points: Score * 20 * Character Level
  • Honour: Score * 20
  • Item: Score * 1

Special Points

  • Bronze: SP * Character Level
  • Experience Points: SP * Character Level
  • Honour: SP * 1
  • Item: 0

Guild Points

  • Bronze: Guild Points / Guild Members * Character Level
  • Experience Points: Guild Points / Guild Members * Character Level
  • Honour: Guild Points / Guild Members
  • Item: 0

Players receive their rewards accordingly at the end of the battle.

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